Yogi Bear's Jellystone Park Franchise

5 Ways to Make Your Campsite Franchise More Eco-Friendly

Buying an RV park

Owning a campground franchise can be a great career choice for someone who loves both serving people and the outdoors. Camping is very popular, with six in ten households stating that at least one resident has gone camping in the past. However, many people who enjoy camping are also very environmentally conscious. Because of this, it is very important that your campsite franchise is eco-friendly. Here are five ways to do this.

Provide Composting and Recycling Options

If you provide clearly marked compost and recycling at your campsite franchise, people will be able to easily recycle the appropriate waste. This will prevent everything from going into one single garbage pile and rotting in the landfill.

Regularly Clean Up Litter

This might seem like a thankless task, but you and your team should regularly clean up any trash that is scattered in your campsite franchise. Not only will this get trash off the ground and into the appropriate disposal, but it will also show your guests that you care about the environment. You’ll set an example for them to follow during their stay with you.

Switch to Solar Power

Solar power options are very popular today. Consider if it would work for your campsite franchise. If you depend on solar power, you will be able to run electricity to everything you need at your campground without contributing to global warming. Shop around for different options in your area.

Provide Reusable Products

If people forget something, they’re likely to pick up a disposable version of it for their stay with you. If you provide reusable products for free or for a decent price, people will be more likely to purchase from you. They can then hang onto the product for next time, keeping the disposables out of the landfill.

Use Paperless Reservations

Allow people to make reservations and check-in from their phones. This will prevent you from printing out a lot of paper that you will only be using for a little while. Invest in a paperless reservation system and it will both save you money and be easier on the environment.

By making your campsite more eco-friendly, you show your potential customers that you love the outdoors as much as they do. You’ll be doing good things for both your business and the environment by making a few small changes to your campsite franchise.

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