Yogi Bear's Jellystone Park Franchise

5 Features That Families Look For When Selecting a Campground

campsite franchise

Camping is a great national pastime and is something that the whole family can enjoy. In fact, a Kampgrounds of America study found that 20% of campers ranked a campsite with kid-friendly elements as something they valued for their experience. These five aspects all help a campground stand out and make it more kid-friendly at the same time.

1. Free WiFi

Although children may have fun playing outside and enjoying other outdoor activities at a campground, there will come a time when they need to get on their phone or tablet to check with their friends. Parents will likely need a similar outlet to check their email and pay bills. Thankfully, many great campsites have free WiFi to make it easier to stay connected to the world wide web.

2. Lots of of Activities

Any good campsite needs to have many activities that help to engage both children and their parents alike. For example, a campground should have swimming, boating, hiking trails, cookouts, and get-togethers with other campers. These steps help make a site more kid-friendly and help adults meet new friends and have a memorable camping experience at the same time.

3. Convenient Location

Some families want a campsite that is out of the way to make their camping more challenging. However, others may want a more convenient campground — one that allows them to go home at any time or go shopping in town when they need to. This option is vital to consider because some children may get sick of camping or even afraid and need to go home partway through a trip.

4. Diverse Range of Camping Options

When camping, it is essential to have a diverse range of options for your needs. Kids may respond well to tent camping, but others may want to stay in an RV or even in cabins. And parents need to make sure that they too feel comfortable in their camping choice. Some may find tent camping a little challenging physically. By providing a diverse range of options at your campground, you’ll appeal to all sorts of families.

5. Amenities for Campers

Lastly, many campers may want to seek out a site with an extensive range of amenities that makes their trip more enjoyable. For example, a general store with free or paid laundry is a great option. Some sites may even have swimming pools or safe lake swimming with a lifeguard to keep everyone safe on their trip. Not all campsites offer lifeguards, so be careful.

Camping is often a family affair, so don’t ignore what your customers are looking for. With these five features in mind, you’ll be in a better position to prepare your campground and market it to families.

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